Welcome To The
DCG Trading Mastermind
Welcome to the DCG Mastermind
hosted by DCG And Team (Jamar James)
During your first month in DCG we are focused on education and exposure. You are encouraged to ask questions, to participate and attend in the meetings and please commit to one hour a day of reading the mastermind chat on discord. Attending live classes is very important. Recorded calls are located in the Facebook group.
I look forward to working with you!
Make sure to follow steps 1-11 below or else you'll be completely lost.
Be sure and attend your new member orientation on Monday at 5p PST/7p CST/8p EST http://dcgzoom.com Cameras on for this call! Come and introduce yourself. Meet Jamar and the other trainers as well as current Mastermind members.
Kind Regards,
Jamar James & THE DCG TEAM
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