Exclusive Invitation For Full Access To

DCG Mastermind

Invitation Only

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Mastermind Partner

Trade All Markets (TAM)

Special Access To The Trading Oracle!

Leverage Automated Trading

Time Management

DCG Mindset Training

DCG Swing Trading System

Generate Consistent Income

Every Month! 

Do Not Wait To Become Profitable.

Get Results In The First 30 Days!

The DCG Mastermind Program has added new classes and group calls for 2020.

The DCG Mastermind by Jamar James, is an all inclusive profit program designed to generate income for entrepreneurs and traders.

This program has been added to the DCG mastermind to help experienced traders master the mindset, time management and risk management skills required to trade.

Today you can get access to this 5k a year program, on a month to month basis.  

DCG Program Available Month To Month

Why Wait? Start getting results within 30 days!

Here's What You Get Right Now!
  • Live Zoom Calls Daily
  • 24/7 Trading Whats App Group
  • Telegram Bot For No Charts
  • Access To Alligator Strategy
  • Access To No Charts Course
  • Access To The Monthly Mastermind Report
  • Access To The Automated Trading Platform
  • Access To All Trading View Templates And Strategies
  • Month To Month Program
  • Must ROI Every Month

Enroll Today & Get Full Access To 

ALL The Trading Tools Available

To The DCG Mastermind!

What is This This Hybrid Coaching Program?

Combination Of Trading, Business & Mindset Coaching!

From: Jamar James

To: Freedom Seekers

It's a group of like minded individuals all working together to elevate their game - to make more money, to gain more freedom and achieve the life they've always dreamed of.

If you want to be apart of a group like this without having to pay $7,000 - $16,900 - $25,000 or even $100,000 upfront to join, then this will be the most important page you'll ever read:

But First A Word Of Warning:

This Coaching Program is NOT for everyone...

In fact, this DCG Mastermind Program is ONLY for 2 types of people:

1.) People who are trying to reach their next level of income, freedom or fulfillment

2.) People who are committed to their success and willing to do whatever it takes to join the elite earners of the world.

If that's not you, then stop reading now, because we will unfortunately have to deny you access to the Mastermind if you try to join...

However if you fit our criteria - or if you're committed then... 

Here's What You Get After You

Join The DCG Coaching Program

And I can promise you this, it will be...

The Best Coaching Experience

You Will Ever Invest Into! 

We were thinking of making this DCG Mastermind an exclusive $10k a year program for exclusivity.

It was a goal of mine to open up an affordable trading mastermind. I wanted global impact...

But after 3 years of running the DCG group, I wanted to offer the most amount of value and combine Trading, Business and Mindset coaching to a mastermind program for all people. You are now able to get access to world-class coaching at a huge discount.

We are able to launch this mastermind to a select group of people, at a CRAZY discount...

So CRAZY, that it would be a NO-BRAINER for ANYONE who wants to join a powerful mastermind today.

When you sign up today, we're even going to let give you full access to the automated trading platform.

Add our $500 a month platform to this offer, For FREE, now included in Your Mastermind Membership..

Welcome to the only place online where 

high-achieving crypto entrepreneurs,

share best practices, connect with world-class experts, 

learn to make game-changing opportunities, and get inspired!

About Jamar James

 Jamar James is a Professional Trader and Crypto Currency Coach who helps entrepreneurs and business professionals earn a full-time income investing in crypto-currency strategies. 

Jamar, also known as the Digital Currency Guy has created a dynamic coaching group designed to take an individual from being introduced to crypto-currency to living completely off of crypto-currency investments within 12 months. 

Before creating the perfect dcg crypto-currency system, Jamar spent 20 years as an Technology Consultant and Prop Trader for private financial firms in the U.S. After a successful career in I.T., helping fortune 500 companies and investing money successfully in the stock market, as well as real estate, Jamar has now built a community of traders and Mastermind members who are now earning full-time income from crypto-currency in their spare time.

Jamar also loves to teach programming to children and often hosts workshops to bring mass awareness about the benefits of digital currency.

Jamar James 

Founder of


The Digital Currency Guy Mastermind -

Learn About Our Family...

We’re friends, business associates AND we have each other’s back!

We share our winning tactics and strategies so you can use them and achieve greater levels of success in your business.

We are a tribe, dedicated to continual growth and living life on our own terms.

To gain access to the Digital Currency Guy Mastermind you must join TODAY!

About My


Digital Currency Guy Mastermind

JOIN The DCG Mastermind?

Everybody does, you’d be insane not to, however, The DCG Mastermind program focuses on giving new members access to the entire crypto currency industry.

Therefore, acceptance into into The Digital Currency Guy Mastermind is on a case by case basis and by invitation only normally.  

Once invited, you will need to schedule your 1 on 1 and go through a face to face with DCG.

If your phone screening goes well, and if we both agree there is potential for massive mutual benefits, you will be invited to join the DCG Mastermind.

With that said, we do not invite guests to become actual members until they’ve enrolled are started the 7 day challenge. We can determine your level of commitment by the quality of your questions based on the 7 day challenge. DCG wants individuals who will be able to contribute to the Mastermind.  

We do not expect a high caliber individual like yourself to make the decision to become a member until you’ve actually experienced what we offer and determined the value of joining the DCG Family.

Acceptance to The DCG Mastermind is on a case by case basis and by invitation only. 


Once accepted, monthly investment is only $500 or Invest in the Full Pay Discount for only $4997. 

This investment is non-negotiable. If it seems out of reach, it’s a good sign that it’s not the right fit for you at this time.

If you are already a successful trader, then congratulations, you’re in the right place!

The DCG Mastermind Program is a no-brainer for you if you are starting out, and we’d love to help you grow!

What Our Members Have To Say...


Today Before It’s Gone...

  • Access To All My Templates And Trading Strategies
  • Access To The Automated Trading Robot
  • Access To The Mastermind Report
  • Access To The No Charts
  • Access To Alligator Strategy
  • 24/7 Trading and Our Whats App
  • You Get FULL Access To The DCG Mastermind Group

Total Value: Freedom Is Priceless

Freedom Is Not For Everyone!

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