Mastermind Your 2021 In 3 Days. Take Control ofYour Life in 2021?

Receive Personal Mentoring From 3 Elite Traders & Business Owners. Create Your 2021 Plan For The ENTIRE Year, & Discover A Life Of Success With 15 Other New Partners for 2021.


Feb 25th - 28th

Secret Location

Orlando Florida

Want to see what a Real Mastermind Retreat looks like?

👇 Check out the quick video below 👇

Imagine having An Edge In Trading - and in life - that the majority of traders don't even think is possible.

The power of planning, Strategy and Implementation.

Today, there is no shortage of trading courses, gurus, or groups.

(Just think of how many trading-related ads you see on social media!)

But in February, you have a chance to experience something on a whole other level.

Three of the fastest-rising trading mentors in the country are pulling back the veil on the elite trading lifestyle. For 3 days, you can take part in a retreat that will blow the doors off of everything you thought you knew about the trading, time management, planning, and life.

Here's the thing:

We all have obligations.

Raising kids, a current job, other commitments...

And there's more to life than just trading.

Without a well-thought-out plan, trading or your side business will never be more than a hobby - some gains here, some losses there. To advance, you would have to sacrifice precious time with your family and friends to study more, stare at more charts, take another course, etc.

But the reason the top traders make their own hours and create the lifestyle they want is because they've found a plan.

Not for next week. Not for next month. But for the entire year.

This is the same forecasting, planning, and execution that institutional traders adhere to. But if you think the market movers are going to let you in on their secrets...guess again.

On Feb 25th through Feb 28th, you'll have a once-in-lifetime opportunity to discover how Master Traders & Entrepreneurs are able to plan out their entire year for success. What makes a Mastermind so powerful is that when like-minded individuals come together to learn and grow, the result is something that is more powerful than any member could experience alone.

The 2021 Trading Mastermind retreat will show you how to plan out your entire year of trading, create goals with certainty you've never had before, and develop high-level personal relationships.

Business, Investing, Trading, & Life.

Gain actionable strategy and get clarity on how to make 2021 the year that everything changes for you...both personally and financially.

Stop Doing Everything Alone… BECOME A Member Of The Mastermind.

The 2021 Mastermind Retreat will introduce you to a new Lifestyle of Trading and Entrepreneurship.

Have you ever heard about people only working 1-2 hours a day and making 6 figures a year? It's possible, but not if you're trying to follow the market, take signals, or sit in front of charts for hours.

The same applies to running a business. You must learn methods to work ON it, and stop spending countless hours working IN it.

When you apply the lessons you'll be learning at the Retreat,you become the signal.

You're prepared and confident in the knowledge that you can forecast moves just like legendary traders did before the internet age.

You'll begin to spend less time trading and more time creating the lifestyle you've always wanted.

Live & Personal Coaching On Creating True Abundance Through:













Declutter Your Mind & Leave 2020 Behind.

2020 has been a year unlike anything we've ever seen before.

But a new day is dawning for those who are prepared for it.

On February 25th, the Trading Rehab Mastermind Retreat will consist of a weekend of impact:

  • Mastermind and Life Strategy Goals For 2021

  • Income, New Business and Trading in 2021

The beautiful Desert Oasis of Palm Springs CA is the perfect environment to recalibrate and map out how your life will be different in 2021.

2020 has been a year unlike anything we've evee seen before.

But a new day is doawning for those who are prepared for it.

On January 2nd, the DCG Mastemrind Retreat will consist of 2 sessions:

  • Advanced Market Cycle Training

  • Goal Setting & Life Strategy for 2021

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Professional Trader, Leading Cryptocurrency Authority, & Entrepreneur

Jamar James is a Professional Trader and Crypto Currency Coach who helps entrepreneurs and business professionals earn a full-time income investing in crypto-currency strategies.

Jamar, also known as the Digital Currency Guy has created a dynamic coaching group designed to take an individual from being introduced to crypto-currency to living completely off of crypto-currency investments within 12 months.

Zea Brejai

Professional Trader, Forex, Futures

Zea was a registered medical assistant. Trading was born out of a necessity to be available to care for her son who had open heart surgery. She now teaches and trains students from around the world on the Market Maker’s Method and ICT. Her sole focus is not profitability, its ensuring her students are consistently profitable. Her Wealth Manner organization is a place not just for trading, but for financial independence and true lifestyle freedom via trading and smart investing.

Courtney R. Logan, Esq.

Professional Trader, Forex, Futures

Courtney is known as the US30 King. He began trading forex and eventually left a high profile attorney position to pursue trading full time. He is the founder of The Power House NFP, a free Forex instruction Facebook group boasting over 30,000 members and featuring an unprecedented amount for free trading instruction. He now runs the US30 Academy specializing in trading the US30 index and continues to accept students in his world-class mentoring program mentoring program, RFX Wolfpack.

You'll get to ask Jamar, Courtney, and Zea ANYTHING in this unprecedented, live Mastermind Retreat.

Are You Ready To
Transform Your Future?

Knowledge to change your life.

Fun that you'll never forget.

Although the internet keeps us connected, life can still be a lonely pursuit.

The Trading Rehab Mastermind Retreat will be a chance to forge new friendships, learn, and get motivated LIVE & IN-PERSON... course, Zoom, or Facebook group can even come close to the energy of a live event.

It's time to invest in YOURSELF, the same way the top professionals do.

No one gets to the elite level of trading or business without mentoring. This is your chance to connect personally with the best, and follow their lead immediately.

a few points to note...

  • The cost of the mastermind retreat is $4k Per Person. (Limited Spaces Available - Non Refundable).
  • Full Access To The Mastermind Retreat and 12 Month Annual Mastermind Access Is Available For $12k
  • Your discounted special couple (or partner) rates is now available for 6k. (2k deposit to secure)
  • Round trip airline tickets from most places are under to Orlando, Florida for less than $400 dollars
  • This is a private location, on private property where your food and lodging for the weekend is included.
  • The location is in a private non disclosed area of Orlando Florida where we will create a bubble for the weekend.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements will be signed by all participants and adhere to.
  • The dates are February 25th -28th. ( Beginning Time 6pm on Feb 25th to 12pm On Sunday Feb 28th).


Expect A Luxurious Experience.

What People Have to Say After Attending Mastermind


While 99% Of People Will Survive COVID, Only 3% Will Survive The Economic Fallout.

In every crisis and major recession, new millionaires are created.

But it's not by chance. There are no fortune-generating accidents.

The insights, connections, and strategies you'll gain will make you realize that you can create the life you want. All you ever needed was the right blueprint. Now you'll have it.

If ever there's been a time to invest in yourself and work with the best, it's NOW.

Beautiful Palm Springs, CA serves as the perfect backdrop to gaining clarity and defining who you want to become.

In a nutshell: you won't be the same person once it's over.

different options to take part in this ground-breaking training:

Limited 15 Spots

Orlando Florida

Mastermind Retreat

Master Class & Life Strategy

Trading & Business Entrepreneurship Partnerships

+ 2021 Goal Setting Mastermind

VIP Invitation

Feb 25th Through 28th

Limited One Time Offer Mastermind Retreat In Orlando, FL Get Admission For 2 (6k Value) +

Special Inner Circle Membership

Annual Membership To Founders Club - Zea Brejai, Courtney Logan Jamar James Private Mentorship




Don't risk wondering what could have been.

It's time to draw a line in the sand.

Investments in yourself are the most important you can make. It's time to take control, secure your family's future...


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